Relationship between service marketing mix factors and behaviors of yoga studio’s customers in Bangkok

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ธีติมา ปิยะศิริศิลป์


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the differentiation between demographic characteristics and service using behavior of yoga studio’s customers in Bangkok and 2) to study the differentiation between service marketing mix factors and service using behavior of yoga studio’s customers in Bangkok. Purposive sampling with questionnaires was employed to collect data from 400 samples who practiced yoga at yoga studios in Bangkok. The collected data were analyzed through frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Chi-Square, F-test (One Way ANOVA). The results indicated that the difference between demographic characteristics such as gender, age, status, occupation, and income influenced service using behavior of yoga studio customers. In contrast, the difference between service marketing mix factors did not influence service using behavior of yoga studio customers at the statistical significance level of 0.05. Finally, the service marketing mix factors in four aspects from the perspective of yoga studio customers were at a high level. When each aspect was considered, the results revealed that every aspect was at a high level, arranged in descending order as follows: product, price, physical evidence, promotion, process, and people.

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ปิยะศิริศิลป์ ธ. (2021). Relationship between service marketing mix factors and behaviors of yoga studio’s customers in Bangkok. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 16(1), 80–93. retrieved from
Research Article


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