Factors affecting learning results on mobile learning in Thailand A meta-analysis

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Tanakorn Chaiyasit
Prakob Koraneekij


The purposes of this research were: 1) to analyze the basic information of research concerning mobile learning, 2) to analyze effect sizes from factors affecting students learning results in mobile learning, and 3) to synthesize findings appropriate for learning results in mobile learning. Based on the meta-analysis approach and the basic mobile learning frameworks, the study analyzed 66 experimental research published during 2009-2019 by selecting a specific sample group of 66 volumes. The research results illustrate three significant aspects. Firstly, the analyzed research was published in 2015 and mainly from Silpakorn University and Master's degree level. Secondly, the overall mean of the effect size of the research affecting students' learning results in mobile learning is relatively high. Finally, the synthesis factors in developing learning results of mobile learning from the meta-analysis approach and basic frameworks such as pedagogy indicate that collaborative learning is the most prevalent, influencing learning results at a very high level. Concerning the factor of contents, the career and technology-based contents, which influence the development of learning results at a very high level, were mainly used. Regarding the factor of technology for learning management with mobile learning technology, HTML5 was chosen the most. It influences the development of learning results at the medium level. Concerning the courseware technology, the results suggest that the use of VDO was the most popular, which influences the development of learning results at a high level

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How to Cite
Chaiyasit, T., & Koraneekij, P. (2021). Factors affecting learning results on mobile learning in Thailand: A meta-analysis . Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 16(1), 16–34. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rbac/article/view/246499
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