Application of the principle of good governance in the administration of the Lawyers Council under the Royal Patronage

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Assistant Professor Dr.Sangiam Boossababarn


The objectives of this study were threefold: 1) to ascertain the factors influencing
the application of the principle of good governance 2) to determine the results springing from the application of the principle of good governance in the Lawyers Council under
the Royal Patronage and 3) to offer guidelines for applying the principle of good governance in regard to the administration of the Lawyers Council under the Royal Patronage to enhance the administration effectiveness of organs in the public and private sectors.
The study was qualitative. The key informants consisted of councilors of the Lawyer Council, the Ethics Committee of the Lawyer Council, and attorneys general totaling 31 persons. In addition, the needed data were collected from relevant documents and participant observations. Finally, the qualitative data derived from all sources were analyzed by resorting to content analysis and descriptive analysis. The research results showed that Lawyers Council applied the rule of law, enevolence, and fairness. Therefore, its working process could be checked or probed. In addition, the Council used the principle of participation by inviting councilors to serve on the Lawyers Council, such as volunteer lawyer groups working at various police stations. The Council applied the principle of accountability; the committee members of various Council committees must be aware of their reputation and dignity when making decisions. They were obligated to be accountable to the people concerned for all they had done. Like other components of the principle of good governance, the principle of cost-effectiveness was put to use by the Council. In this regard, all budgets and incomes obtained from the Government or from the other sources were effectively and efficiently used to meet the target objectives of the organs and bring about the good of the general public and the benefits of the staff members.

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How to Cite
Boossababarn, S. (2021). Application of the principle of good governance in the administration of the Lawyers Council under the Royal Patronage. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 16(1), 1–15. Retrieved from
Research Article


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