Organizational culture and organizational effectiveness of the Office of Police Strategy, Royal Thai Police

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Srisakul Jareonsri


This research aimed to examine relationship between organizational culture and organizational effectiveness, to determine types of organizational culture, that effect on each effectiveness model in the Office of Police Strategy, to study the problems, obstacles, and give suggestions which involve the effectiveness of Office of Police Strategy. The approach to study was quantitative methods. The sample used in this study include 200 police officials in superintendent position or lower in the Office of Police Strategy. Where were selected through stratified cluster multistage sampling. Data collection was done by using survey questionnaire. Analysis of data was done by using package program for social research, the statistical analysis methods applied to this research comprised descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, such as percentage, means, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients and linear multiple regression analysis. Whereas in the open-ended questionnaire, the data was analyzed by content analysis. The results of the study showed that: Organizational culture is positively correlated with organization effectiveness of the Office of Police Strategy at statistical has a very highly significant level of 0.01 (r=0.89, p <0.01). The different types of organizational culture were also predictors of each effectiveness model in the Office of Police Strategy. Furthermore, the mission culture was the most prominent of the four types in term of fostering all organizational effectiveness models.

The suggestions for improving organization effectiveness of the Office of Police Strategy for example, Trainings should be regularly conducted to increase knowledge and competencies of
the personnel. Workplace environment should be more pleasant. Organizational cultures that focus on teamwork should be encouraged. And there should be more coordination within and between departments. Rewards and compensations should be given according to one’s ability and appropriateness of occasion.

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How to Cite
Jareonsri, S. (2019). Organizational culture and organizational effectiveness of the Office of Police Strategy, Royal Thai Police. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 14(2), 17–34. retrieved from
Research Article


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