Factors affecting on the effectiveness of the Administration of District Management Organization (Community), Amphur Muang, Trad Province

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กนก เพ่งจินดา


The purposes of the research were to study 1) the level of the motivation of the administers of District Management Organization (Community), Amphur Muang, Trad Province. 2) the level of the efficacy of the Administration of District Management Organization (Community), Amphur Muang, Trad Province, and 3) factors affecting on the efficacy of the Administration of District Management Organization (Community), Amphur Muang, Trad Province. The sampling were 368 personnels included staff employees, government officials, congressman of District Management Organization (Community). Tool for this research was questionnaire. Statistics which using for Data Analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results of the research found that, 1) the motivation of the administrators of District Management Organization (Community) found that the average was in the high level. 2) The effectiveness of the administrators in overall found that the mean is in the high level, and 3) Factors affecting on the effectiveness of the administration of District Management Organization (Community), Amphur Muang, Trad Province found that motivation factors in the aspect of the achievement of work, responsibility, the work position advancement and supportive factors, policy phase and the administration of the organization, working condition, the rule method affecting on the efficacy of the administration of the administers in the statistical significance at 0.05

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How to Cite
เพ่งจินดา ก. (2018). Factors affecting on the effectiveness of the Administration of District Management Organization (Community), Amphur Muang, Trad Province. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 12(2), 51–61. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rbac/article/view/224835
Research Article