Internal environmental factors affecting management success of Lablae local community enterprise weaver, Uttaradit Province

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พุฒิพงศ์ เอี่ยมสินธร
ศิริโสภาคย์ บูรพาเดชะ


This study aimed to examine management success of Lablae local community enterprise weaver and to investigate internal environmental factors affecting management success of Lablae local community enterprise weaver, Uttaradit Province. This study was a quantitative research. The sample consisted of 139 members of Lablae local community organization were selected with Yamane’s formula at 95 percent confidence by using the simple probability theory. The questionnaires were used for collecting data. After that, the researcher analyzed the data by using descriptive statistics consisting of frequency distribution, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics were used for hypothesis testing including Pearson’s correlation and multiple regression analysis with the statistical significant level at 0.05. The research results indicated that 1) the members of Lablae local community enterprise had the moderate level of overall’s perspectives about community management success with an average at 3.21 and the standard deviation at 0.767. When considering each perspective individually, it was found that the marketing, services, human resource, and financial management, respectively. 2) The components of business management that had a positive effect on the success of community business management at the statistical significance level of 0.05 included leadership (0.3 = 0.327), planning (β = 0.529), controlling (β = 0.229), and managing organization (β = 0.176), respectively. This change of success in community enterprise management can be explained through leadership, planning, controlling and managing organization at 35.4 percent

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How to Cite
เอี่ยมสินธร พ., & บูรพาเดชะ ศ. (2019). Internal environmental factors affecting management success of Lablae local community enterprise weaver, Uttaradit Province. Journal of Rattana Bundit University, 14(1), 42–54. retrieved from
Research Article