Community Based Constitution and the Formation of Contract for the Coexistence of Local Community and Industry in the Case of Ao Udom Community, Thung Sukla Subdistrict, Si Racha District, Chonburi Province
Community Constitution, Community Innovation, CoexistenceAbstract
This qualitative research aims to analyze the capitals affecting the creation of community innovation for coexistence between communities and industrial factories. It also examines the role of community innovation in fostering coexistence processes between communities and industrial factories. The research reveals that the Ao Udom Bay community constitution, as a form of community innovation, emerges from interactions among four types of capital: (1)Economic Capital: This drives interactions among stakeholders who seek mechanisms or measures to protect and maintain economic benefits (2) Social Capital: This acts as a social relationship network that facilitates interactions among stakeholders both within and outside the community, enabling collaboration on problem-solving (3) Natural and Environmental Capital: This complex capital both influences and is influenced by the development of the Ao Udom community constitution (4) Human Capital: This encompasses the potential and abilities of community leaders, heads, and various network leaders in creating and driving the Ao Udom community constitution. The community innovation, referred to as the community constitution, plays a significant role in fostering coexistence between communities and industrial factories in six aspects:(1) It serves as a local community-level social contract (2) It acts as a mechanism that transforms communication and social practices between communities and private sector entrepreneurs (3) It transforms power dynamics between communities and private sector entrepreneurs(4) It legitimizes community self-governance (5) It serves as a negotiation tool for communities dealing with industrial factories(6)It strengthens the power of local communities and private sector entrepreneurs.
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