Competencies and Skills of Service Technicians for Installation and Maintenance of Fuel Station Equipment in Bangkok Metropolitan Area
This research is a quantitative research format. have a purpose 1) To study the competency level, skills and abilities of service personnel, installation and maintenance of materials and equipment, fuel service stations, fuel service stations. in Bangkok 2) to study the relationship between the competencies, skills and abilities of employees with the quality of service, installation and maintenance of materials and equipment at fuel service stations and the satisfaction of operators of fuel service stations, fuel service stations in Bangkok and 3) to study the competencies, skills, and abilities of service personnel that affect the satisfaction of operators of fuel service stations, fuel service stations In Bangkok In the sample group, traders at petrol stations sell to customers. and 354 users in Bangkok province using a questionnaire data collection tool. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, Pearson correlation, t-test.
The results of the research found that the majority were male, 59.60 percent, under 40 years old, 51.12 percent, had a bachelor's degree level, 51.41 percent, and the frequency of receiving service from employees was 6 times a year, 59.60 percent. And it was found that digital skills Mechanical skills electrical skills Social and emotional skills There is a positive relationship with the quality of service, installation and maintenance of materials and equipment at fuel stations. and satisfaction of fuel service station operators with statistical significance, p-value < .05, and it was found that the overall picture of satisfaction of fuel service station operators with the skill competency of installation service personnel and maintenance of materials and equipment at fuel service stations are significantly different, p-value < 0.5
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