The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support for Creativity, Intrinsic Motivation, Creative Self-Efficacy, and Creative Self-Efficacy Affecting to Individual Creativity of the Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC) Civil Servant


  • Chalermchai Kittisaknawin
  • Siriporn Thitalampoon -
  • Kosin Techaniyom
  • Ajaree Rittichai
  • Apichat Kittisaknawin
  • Sorawicha Krittathikarn
  • Kornphapha Paksanondha


individual creativity, perceived organizational support for creativity, creative self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation


               The purposes of this research were to study: (1) the relationships between creative self-efficacy, perceived organizational support for creativity, intrinsic motivation, and individual creativity, (2) perceived organizational support for creativity, intrinsic motivation influencing creative self-efficacy, and (3) creative self-efficacy, perceived organizational support for creativity, and intrinsic motivation influencing individual creativity.

               This research employed a quantitative research considered as the survey model which was examined its quality through the validity and reliability as the instrument for data collection. The population was civil servant of the Public Sector Development Commission (OPDC). The researcher determined the size of sample group according to the Yamane’s calculation determined the sample group for not less than 144 persons at the error value of 5%, and the reliability of 95%. The researcher extended the samples for 170 persons more to increase the benefits of research and data analysis. The descriptive analysis included Frequency, Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation. The analysis by Inferential Statistics included Pearson’s correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

               Findings are as follows: (1) The researcher found that individual creativity was positively correlated with perceived organizational support for creativity, creative self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, (2) Factoring influencing creative self-efficacy was perceived organizational support for creativity and intrinsic motivation, and (3) Factoring influencing individual creativity was creative self-efficacy.


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