Sustainable Business Operation by Reducing the Effect toward its Community and Environment under the Concept of Green Supply Chain Management: Case of Business Related to the Food Industry
การดำเนินธุรกิจ, ความยั่งยืน, สิ่งแวดล้อม, ห่วงโซ่อุปทานสีเขียวAbstract
During the past, business in Thailand has been passed down for several years since agricultural and industrial era which consumed all natural resources and environment regardless of the consequences which caused various problems, for example changing climate, water and air pollution etc. All of these are arising out of human behavior in consuming the limited natural resources without caution. As more problems occurred, our community and consumers have changed their perceptions by focusing on environmental friendly consumption which causes the entrepreneurs to change their business operation to be more environmental friendly until the concept of Green Supply Chain has been emerged like Ampol Foods Processing Limited. And S&P Syndicate Public Company Limited Vision of this company emphasizes on the innovation leader of Thai Food to Global market with society and environmental responsibility. This concept has been adapted into sustainable business operation by reducing the effect toward its community and environment under the concept of APF Green Supply Chain.
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