Analysis of Political Conflicts Arising from Different Generations Gap


  • Theeraporn Tummanon -
  • Paksornkan Cheamcharoenpornkul
  • Supawadee Wannapuek
  • Pornchai Piriyasanti


Generation, Political Culture, Politics, Election Vote


               Different ages group It may have many effects on people living together in society and growing up from different upbringing and environments. As a result, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in living life are different. Combined with the current political situation that plays a role in every life of everyone in society. As a result, political views change according to each age group as well. Until causing a conflict from what is seen today with the demands of the new generation who do not agree with the old political ideas of the older generation who still cling to the existing ideas. obsolescence This is different from the new generation who have different views on cities in the past. These groups of people grew up with changes in political conditions that affected the lives of this group of people. This can be seen from their frequent political expressions. Until causing conflict in society from the case of studying conflicts between generations that cause differences in political thinking. It was found that the thing that should be given the most importance is acceptance and understanding of each other's differences. So that everyone in society can live together happily.


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