Guidelines for Career Development by Value-chain Model of Hemp Fiber Product: A Case Study of Bang Phra Subdistrict Municipality in Chonburi Province


  • Usa Sathitmon
  • Songtham Charoenchan -Logistics
  • Rachatathamrongk Pacharamonchai
  • Chanaporn Boonkurd


Supply chain, Value chain, Hemp, Hemp fiber product


               The objectives of this research were 1) to study the characteristics of the supply chain and value chain of hemp fiber products. 2) to analyze information on occupations related to value chain of hemp fiber products. 3) to suggest guideline of jobs creating for Bang-Phra subdistrict municipality community. Mixed research method was used in this research. The quantitative research was studied from 389 sampling of residents in Bang-Phra subdistrict municipality which collected data by 5-scale Questionnaire. The qualitative research was studied from informant groups which were officer of Bang-Phra subdistrict municipality, community leaders and community agents, 3 sampling per groups by in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and descriptive analysis. The research results were found that the topic received the highest point was community can develop an online sales career at 3.87 (agree). Next, the community could learn production methods (Knitting, weaving, sewing) at 3.84 (agree).  The community could develop career of producer (Knitting, weaving, sewing) at 3.80 (agree). The important development guideline was to provide knowledge about production, selling in shop, selling online and income generating. And then, the government should support budget and value chain network should support inbound raw material. The research results could synthesize knowledge that value chain activities relate to job creation for communities was production, sales and value-added generating. So, policy planning, supporting and budget management to promote careers should build on these topics because communities accepted that it could lead to job development for the community.


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