Cultural Capital Integration for Community Management and Development through Community Participation: A Case Study of Dong Bang Community, Na Dun District, Maha Sarakham Province


  • Kanta Vilachai
  • Thanyarat Chaiyakarm
  • Khwanta Benchakhan -


Cultural capital, Community development, Community management, Community participation


               The study focuses on the integration of cultural capital for community management and development through community participation in the Dong Bang community, Na Dun District, Maha Sarakham Province. The objectives were to 1) investigate locations, households, and develop a cultural capital database for the community, 2) assess the present community management and recommend strategies utilizing the community's cultural capital, and 3) foster economic growth by leveraging the cultural capital of the Dong Bang community via the development of an online map. The research methodology incorporated document analysis and field data collection involving 110 participants including key community informants, leaders, and residents. The study disclosed that the community mainly comprises alternating plains and open forests, with persistent water bodies that are inadequate for agricultural activities in the dry season, leading to water shortages. Most of the community members are involved in agriculture, with settlements being clustered. In terms of social and economic aspects, it was found that the Dong Bang community is rich in cultural capital including symbols like Sim and Hup Taem located at Wat Photharam and Wat Pa Lai Lai, and other assets like textile production, agriculture, food processing, and handicrafts. To harness the cultural capital for economic advancement, an online map was designed to highlight and share information about the locations of these cultural resources such as temples, archaeological sites, textile workshops, agricultural activities, food processing, and handicrafts. This approach aims to promote and capitalize on the diverse cultural assets of the community to achieve enhanced community management and economic development.


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