A Study of the Implementation of Neo Pattaya Development Policy (2020-2022)


  • Pasinee Kumkong -
  • Anutrat Anantanatorn




               The objectives of this research were as follows 1. examine the opinions of personnel factors regarding the policy. 2.To investigate the opinions of personnel on the implementation of the policy. and 3. To explore the factors related to the relationship between personnel opinions on the policy and its implementation. The research methodology employed a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research. The two sample groups used in this study consisted of Group 1, A quantitative data was collected by using questionnaires from 319 participants in Pattaya City, and Data analysis utilized statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and correlation analysis. The statistical techniques used included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. Group 2 A qualitative data was collected from 10 key informants from the city of Pattaya and data were collected through in-depth interviews. To validate the result of qualitative research.

               Research Results: 1. The survey of personnel opinions regarding the Neo Pattaya City Development Policy (2020-2022) that, overall, the personnel had a high level of opinion. 2. The survey of personnel opinions on the implementation of the Neo Pattaya City Development Policy (2020–2022) that, overall, the personnel had a high level of opinion. 3. The survey examined factors related to the relationship between personnel opinions on the policy and the implementation of the policy. It was found that the personnel’s opinions on various aspects of the policy were correlated with their opinions on implementing the development policy of the Neo Pattaya City Development Policy (2020–2022) in the same direction. Each factor had a level of correlation that ranked high as follows: the factor of participation of practitioners and service recipients, the factor of communication systems between organizations, the factor of support from implementing agencies, the factor of characteristics of the implementing organizations, and the factor of resource adequacy. The factor with a moderate correlation was the factor of standards and objectives of the policy.


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