Maritime Security Management in Practice in Indonesia Post President Suharto Era: An Analysis of Existing Policies and Strategies


  • Hidayat Rahman
  • Anutrat Anantanatorn
  • Vichien Tansirikongkhon


Maritime security management, Policy and strategies analysis


   The paper thoroughly examines Indonesia’s maritime policies and strategies in the post-Suharto era. Its ultimate objective is to develop a dependable Maritime Policy that prioritizes the security of Indonesian waters. This paper analyzes how the Indonesian government maintains maritime security, including policy implementation and adoption of international instruments. It also studies the roles of major government agencies in maritime law enforcement. The author utilizes qualitative research to understand maritime security practices in this study, with esteemed participants like the Indonesian Navy and Defense University. It has been two decades since President Suharto's administration fell, and the nation's development has been primarily land-focused, neglecting the importance of developing the maritime space. It is crucial that each president prioritizes national development and creates a National Policy as a law to be implemented by the relevant ministries and stakeholders. The laws and regulations related to maritime and maritime security must be analyzed with utmost importance. This research thoroughly examines the national policies that led to maritime security strategies post-President Suharto's administration. The analysis encompasses all stakeholders relevant to maritime security and the number of laws and regulations implemented. The study will focus on the six variables of the Policy Implementation Theory introduced by Van Meter and Van Horn to analyze the number of policies and strategies implemented. This research highlights thirteen state actors dealing with maritime threats to Indonesia. Despite lacking an official national maritime security policy, the Indonesian government and relevant agencies have made commendable efforts to secure its waters. Coordinating multiple maritime law enforcement entities remains a major challenge as they operate across a large area under Indonesia's jurisdiction. It is also important for them to align policies at the ministerial level to prevent duplication of efforts and ensure that resources and assets meet the demands. To understand the government's stance on maritime security awareness, it is important to analyze the laws and regulations related to maritime affairs issued by the five Presidents who succeeded the Suharto government - BJ Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Sukarno Putri, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and Joko Widodo. Despite differing priorities, each President has committed to developing the maritime sector and ensuring maritime security. This research has collected and analyzed all relevant laws and regulations to draw this conclusion.


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