Evaluation of Services of Chainat Rest Area, Manorom, Chainat
Evaluation of Services, Chainat Rest Area, CIPP Model, Public-Private PartnershipAbstract
This research aims to assess the service performance of Chainat Rest Area, compare perceptions of service success levels based on individual factors, and formulate guidelines for service development. This mixed-method study involved three sample groups: the general public/service users (400 people), representatives from government agencies, and representatives from private sector organizations (30 purposive samples), using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Findings suggest that the service performance of the Chainat Rest Area is generally high, with project impact receiving the highest success level, followed by service delivery and the contextual level. It was found that perceptions of service success levels significantly differed based on socioeconomic status and age, but not on gender or frequency of service usage. The proposed guidelines for development emphasize the need for enhanced cooperation between public and private sectors. This includes allocating funds for improvements, conducting surveys, consultations, and monitoring to ensure proper project implementation, and promoting the development of entrepreneurs. The service center should also be developed as a significant local tourism hub to contribute to economic and tourism growth, ensuring community satisfaction and acceptance.
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