The Leadership of School Administrators Affecting Academic Administration of Private Schools in Nakhon Pathom Province


  • Khattiya Duangsamran


               This research aimed to 1) study on leadership of private school administrators in Nakhon Pathom province; 2) study the academic administration of private schools in Nakhon Pathom province; and 3) study on the impacts of school administrators’ leadership on the academic administration of private schools in Nakhon Pathom province. Group of samples who provided the information consisted of 1) school administrators or representatives such as school director, or deputy director of academic administration department; 2) school managers or representatives; 3) head of the academic administration or representatives; and, 4) teachers. Total informants were from 320 samples. Questionnaire was the research tool. Statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and Stepwise multiple regression analysis. Statistical analysis was conducted using ready-program.


  1. Overall, leadership of private school administrators in Nakhon Pathom province was in high level. While considering on each aspect, all were also in high level. The average scores ranked from high to low were necessary skills, knowledge and responsibilities, respectively.
  2. Overall, the academic administration of private schools in Nakhon Pathom province was in high level in all aspect. The average scores ranked from high to low were academic planning, internal quality assurance system development and education standard, research for the education quality development in school, measurement, assessment, and grades comparison transferring, learning process development, courses development by schools and management of teaching and learning in school, respectively.
  3. Leadership of the school administrators on the aspect of necessary skills and knowledge affected the academic administration of private schools in Nakhon Pathom province at statistical significance level of .01. The overall academic administration of private schools in Nakhon Pathom province (Ytot) could be predicted at 52.9 percent. The multiple regression analysis relationship could be written in form of raw scores as follows: ( tot) =.478* + .508**(X3) + .323** (X1). The multiple regression analysis relationship could be written in form of standard scores as follows: Z = .502**(X3) + .274** (X1)


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