Local Public Policy Participatory Administration of Local Administrative Organization in Sakeao Province
Local public policy, Local administration, public participationAbstract
The objective of this research is to study the participation of people on the topic of Participatory Local Public Policy Administration of Sakaeo Provincial Local Administrative Organizations, factors affecting on Participatory Local Public Policy Administration, comparing people's participation and people's opinions on factors affecting participatory local public policy administration classified by individual factors. The sample groups used in this study were people in the area of the local administrative organization in Sa Kaeo Province. Data collection tools are used as questionnaires. The statistics used in the data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Data were analyzed to test the hypothesis. The statistical t-test and one-way ANOVA were determined at the statistical significance at the 0.05 level and the pairwise testing by LSD method and the correlation was tested by Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient.
The results of the research revealed that the overall people participated in the administration of local public policies was at a high level ( = 3.44). After comparing the results of public participation and public opinion, it was found that people held different positions also have different on participation and opinions. The factors affecting local public policy administration differed at statistical significance at the 0.05 level such as community factor (citizenship) and organizational factors (local government organization) ( = 0.86, sig. = 0.00)
The results of the qualitative study have shown that local public policies are unique to each local government organization. Therefore, the administration of local public policy should take into account the needs of the people as a primary concern in order to comply with decentralization principles to reduce the production of unwanted local duplicate policies. Whereas the central government and regional that are directly related to the local governing (Ministry of Interior, Department of Local Administration) must play a role in supporting the mission of local governments without command or directives in accordance with policies that do not support the law to meet the mission of the state and should allow people to play a role in order to reflect the problem to the solution too. The administrators of local government organizations must promote guidelines for promoting local public policy administration, namely creating a model for accessing to policy management mechanisms, increasing roles and duties to participate in the evaluation of local policy audits and enhancing public relations channels for implementing various policies via online communication to facilitate and diversify in tracking the progress of sustainable local public policy.
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