The Relationship Between Leadership Motivation Enhancing Factors and Determination for Athletes to be Excellent of Parents of Badminton Players Case Study: Badminton Training Field in Bangkok


  • Arphorn Kuraeiad -
  • Pakorn Prechaporn


Leadership of Parents, Motivation Enhancing Factors, Excellence of Badminton Players


                    This research has the objective To study the level of leadership of parents Factors that enhance motivation for parents and excellence in badminton athletes and to study the relationship between parental leadership Factors that enhance motivation for parents and excellence in badminton athletes A sample group of parents of male and female badminton singles players aged 9, 11, 13 years, sample size of 260 people who had repair training at the badminton repair field. There were 10 locations in Bangkok. The instrument used in the research was a leadership questionnaire to enhance the motivation of parents to affect the excellence of badminton athletes. Data were analyzed using ready-made computer programs by finding frequency (Frequency), percentage, mean (gif.latex?\bar{x} ), standard deviation (S.D.) and testing hypotheses by testing. Two-way Pearson's Correlation Coefficient

               The research results found that The average level of the factors that enhance motivation for parents the most Next is the average of excellence in badminton athletes. The highest level and the lowest mean level of parental leadership, high level and parental leadership are positively related at a high level. with factors that increase motivation for parents and the excellence of badminton athletes in a positive way at a high level Statistically significant at the .05 level and the factor of enhancing motivation for parents has a positive relationship at a high level with the excellence of badminton athletes in a very positive way. Statistically significant at the .05 level.


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