The Analytical Study Law concerning the Award of Fines in order to Support Consumers in Monitoring Consumers’ Problems
Regulation, Reward, Consumer, SurveillanceAbstract
Thailand Consumer Council (TCC) is an independent organization whose goals, roles and responsibilities are to protect the rights of consumers. This research article therefore aims to study the laws of Thailand and foreign countries concerning the award of fines in order to support consumers in monitoring consumer problems. Moreover, this research aims to propose guidelines for drafting rules and regulations for rewarding consumers to support law enforcement and monitoring consumer problems. This research uses qualitative research methodology which are consisted of the documentary research both Thai and Foreign Law, In-depth interview, focus group discussion and pilot study. The research results are TCC is established by Article 46 of the Constitution of Thailand 2560 BE. The Government has to support the financial budget to TCC and TCC has the rights, duties and autonomies to protect consumer’s rights. TCC has an important plan to inspect, follow up, and monitor the situation of consumer problems and encourage consumers to participate in rights protection. According to the above statement, it is necessary to provide the measure to motivate consumers to participate in surveillance of consumers' problems by their own. Thus, leading to design the draft of “The Regulation of the Thailand Consumer Council on the rules, methods and payment of reward to promote the exercise of consumer rights in surveillance of consumer problems, 2565 BE” in order to effective enforcement of Consumer Law.
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