A Study of the Guidelines for the Development of Transformational Leadership of the Heads of Government Agencies in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization
Development approaches, Transformational leadership, LeadershipAbstract
The research of A study of the guidelines for the development of transformational leadership of the heads of government agencies in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization The objectives were to study 1) the transformational leadership of the heads of government agencies in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization; 2) the factors affecting the transformational leadership of the heads of government agencies in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization, and 3) the guidelines for the development of leadership. Changes of the heads of government agencies in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization. This research is integrated research. (Mixed-method design) between quantitative research and qualitative research. For the quantitative method, the sample group used in this study consisted of 208 officers of the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization. For the qualitative method, the researcher collected the data by in-depth interviews from key persons in the organization involved in the leadership development of the heads of government agencies in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization, totaling 10 people. as follows 1) Chief Executive of the PAO 2) Chief Administrator of the PAO 3) Deputy Chief Administrator of the PAO 4) Director of the Office of the Chief Administrator of PAO 5) Director of the PAO Council Affairs Division 6) Director of the Tourism and Sports Division 7)Subdivision Chief of Personnel Development 8) Director of the Supplies and Property Division 9) Director of the Social Welfare Division 10) Director of the Public Works Division The results of the study revealed that most of the personnel in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization who answered the questionnaire had opinions on the leadership change of the heads of government agencies in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization. Overall, the mean was at a high level (x̅ = 3.74). From studying the factors affecting the leadership change of the heads of government agencies in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization, the researcher concluded that 2 main factors were 1) personal factors. It was found that personnel in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization with marital status education level Affiliated segments Personnel type and the average monthly income were different. The opinions on the change leadership of the heads of government agencies in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization were significantly different at the .05 level, and 2) the leadership characteristics. It was found that leadership characteristics that focus on the relationship dimension (Work focus) correlated with opinions on leadership change of heads of government agencies in Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization. It was statistically significant at the .05 level with a positive correlation and has a low level of correlation and leadership characteristics that focus on friendship dimension (people-oriented) were related to opinions on transformational leadership of heads of government agencies in Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization, statistically significant at the .05 level, there was a positive correlation. and has a high level of correlation. As for the guidelines for developing leadership characteristics of the heads of government agencies in the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization, it was found that executives at all levels of the Chonburi Provincial Administrative Organization executives should be developed to be leaders in a team-based manner. create a balance between operator and work Promote focused leadership with access to the minds of subordinates, and corporate executives should have a clear structure of work. and from the results of the study of the guidelines for the development of transformational leadership of the heads of government agencies in the Provincial Administrative Organization.
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