Factors Predicting the Support Process for Released Prisoner with the Condition of Probation


  • Wichien Prechathamwong -
  • Premruedee Petgoon
  • Wirawan Banjongchuay
  • Pongapinun Chanklin
  • Chotima Suraritthidham


released prisoner with the condition of probation, expungement, prisoner release support process, recidivism


The objectives of this study were: (1) to compare the attitudes of prisoner release support process with the condition of probation classified by individual factors 2) to identify predictive factors of the aftercare process among released prisoners with the condition of probation. The questionnaire is the instrument for collecting data in survey research for 625 respondents and analyzed through descriptive statistics including percentage, mean, and standard deviation as well as inferential statistics including One-way Analysis of Variance and Simple Linear Regression Analysis at the 0.05 significance level.

This research found that the high level of ability of sample to follow the conditions for deleting the criminal records ( =4.69) and the high level of the attitude for the prisoner release support process ( =4.55). Hypotheses of research were 1) the different personal factors including age at release from prison and the length of incarceration had different attitudes of the prisoner release support process and 2) ability of sample to follow the conditions for expungement of record is the predictive factors affecting the attitude for prisoner release support process, both hypotheses are a statistical significance level of 0.05.   


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