A Model of Organizational Leadership to Develop Highly Effective Followers
Development, Leadership, Follower, EffectiveAbstract
Building good managerial relationships and developing subordinates can increase productivity and keep good employees in the organization over the long term. By learning to be transformational leaders, you can learn the following: 1) Idealized Influence or Charisma with ideology, vision, managerial abilities, Emotional and ethical. 2) Inspirational motivation is a motivation within, such as creating positive attitudes and encouraging team spirit to come alive. 3) Intellectual stimulation is the leader encourage followers to be mindful of problems that arise in the organization and department. Causing followers to find new solutions to solve problems by finding a better conclusion to bring about something new and creative. 4) Individualized consideration, The leader relates to the individual as a leader in caring for individual followers and make followers feel valued and important. Leader will act as coach and advisor for follower development. In conclusion, it can be said that being a good leader sacrifice must be known, listen to the opinions of the followers as well as to set a good example for the followers to obey and perform the work as the leader commands. These behaviors will enable employees to produce quality, low-cost products, services deliver on time and satisfying the customer (Bass, 1985 cited by Sophon Phukao). A follower can develop to become a leader. The highly effective follower will be able to accomplish the task of accomplishing the organization's goals. It should have the following characteristics: 1) Able to think and make self-management planning, seeing that they have the ability to manage as leaders as well; 2) Work with determination and adhere to the ultimate goals of the organization. If encountering problems and obstacles in the operation, it will consider modifying the working direction or requesting changes in the leadership. 3) Strengthening and continually developing oneself by striving to learn and practice skills and expertise. To looking for additional special responsibility jobs with pleasure and responsible for the work. 4) Have courage by take risks to think, say and do, even if you make a mistake. To giving leaders and people in the organization confidence and Trust (Wachakana Kanjanaphat, 2013, p. 46). As for the relationship between leaders and followers, it is important to retain employees. Quality to be with the organization for a long time is a policy factor that can drive and create an organizational culture for all employees as a guideline for action such as management of quality systems throughout the organization. Establishing an organization's strategy Human Resource Management Developing organizations in various fields as well as being a learning organization. The researcher used a combination of research. Using Qualitative Research Methodology and Quantitative Research study the relationship to the development of leaders and followers from organizations that received the TQA (Thailand Quality Award) and well-managed organizations. In-depth interviews were used to collect data from senior executives who were Thai nationals and using Quantitative research methodology by using important variables of each organization to synthesize information through content analysis to do questionnaires and using descriptive statistics in interpreting various meanings by confirm the research results with a focus group.
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