Organization efficiency applying 7s McKinsey
Efficiency is a matter of taking factors and processes in an operation with the output being shown. Efficiency of any operation, the performance value may be expressed as a comparison between the investment expenditures and the profits received. Which, if the profit is higher than the cost, the greater the efficiency. Performance may not be expressed as a numerical performance value. Rather, it is shown by documenting the economical use of money, materials, manpower and operating time without unnecessary wasted. Including appropriate strategies or techniques and practices that can lead to quick, relevant and quality results. The implementation of the McKinsey 7s concept of promoting organizational efficiency is widely and popular among organizations today. This concept was first published in 1980 by Robert Waterman, Tom Peter and Julien Phillips. The idea is to present that the effectiveness of a business organization arises from the relationship of seven factors of a business that are characterized as follows: strategy, structure, system, skills, staff, style, and shared values.
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