An Opinion Survey Concerning The Annual Worship Festival of The Khao Khitchakut Buddha’s Footprint and Need Assessment on Continuing Tourism in Chanthaburi Province


  • Vitnuttanee Dittapraneed
  • Chaiyon Praditsil
  • Juthamat Choosuwan
  • Ussavin Kaewpitak


Opinion, Needs, Tourism, Buddha’s Footprint


The purpose of this research were to study opinion concerning the annual worship festival of The Khao Khitchakut buddha’s footprint and need assessment on continuing tourism in Chanthaburi province. The research used mixed method between survey research and in-depth interviews. The results found that people fairly agreed with host of the festival either any involved organization or the co-host e.g. Wat krating, provincial Clergy, NCPO etc. Morever, people fairly need continuing tourism in Chanthaburi province after the festival by focusing on the top three tourist attractions were as follows: sea, waterfall and local scenery. Finally, people fairly need tourist commodities by focusing the top three ones were as follows; local fruit, seafood and local dessert


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