Education Management for Higher Education Institute Guideline in Sakaeo Province


  • Pattaraporn Thumma


Education Management guideline, Higher Education Institute, Sakaeo Province


The objectives of this research are to 1) study the situation of the higher education institute in Sakaeo Province, 2) study the education management of higher education institute in Sakaeo province, and 3) create the education management for higher education institute guideline in Sakaeo province. This research are used both the qualitative methods, in –depth interview and the documentary research. This research used descriptive statistics analysis and content analysis for processing of qualitative method. The results show that 1) The the situation of the higher education institute in Sakaeo province are, in line with the 12Th National Economic and Social Development Plan and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, sustainable development principle. The development focus humans are the center of development, creating the new body of knowledge to enhance the ability of high technology. 2)The education management of higher education institute in Sakaeo province are under the rule and regulation ,the management system is focus on the participative management ,using the process of considering the consensus of the committee and the agent decision making under the public hearing and the committee accepted.The education management model for the special economic zones are the specific purpose and the principle focus on, 1)human resource development oriented ,completed all dimension, 2) create the special economic zones toward the learning society oriented, 3) focus on learning process and the content are response to the special economic zones . 3) The education management for higher education institute guideline in Sakaeo province are 1) the landscape and the environment of higher education institute in Sakaeo province are improved in order to facilitate the learning , and learning atmosphere, 2) create the education ,curriculum in master degree and doctoral degree in order to support and give the opportunity to the graduate students and the interested person for career development, 3) the learning process in line with the policy of the development of Sakaeo province’s direction, such as cultural conservation ,community and love of learning, self developed in the lifelong, 4) education management support the ecological tourism, diversity in biological and historical learning area which related to the civilization, art and cultural ,local wisdom conservation, 5) generate the graduates towards the innovator ,thinking entrepreneur ,modern farmer ,healthy, good income and quality of life for trade and investment atmosphere for the special economic zones under Sakaeo province ‘s policy


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