Proposed Policy for Vocational Manpower Development to Support Thailand 4.0
Vocational, Thailand 4.0, Manpower DevelopmentAbstract
The purpose of this research was to 1) study the knowledge relating to the development of vocational education to support Thailand 4.0 2) Study guidelines for vocational education development to support Thailand 4.0 3) Synthesize knowledge in making policy proposals for the development of vocational manpower to support Thailand 4.0 And 4) make a report on policy proposals for the development of vocational manpower to support Thailand 4.0 The study method is an integrated research. The study of policy proposals for vocational personnel development to support Thailand 4.0 is the future study using EDFR (Ethnographic Delphi Futures Research). Synthesis of SWOT Analysis Tools and TOWS Matrix Analysis to find the relationship between internal and external factors and create policies for the development of vocational manpower to support Thailand 4.0 From the study, it is found that there are 5 policies on manpower development strategies, 14 strategies, 65 strategies as follows Policy 1: Production and development of vocational personnel toward standard quality to support the changing situation consisting of 3 strategies and 12 strategies. Policy 2: Pushing and giving importance to vocational personnel to be ready for the development of vocational manpower Supporting Thailand 4.0 consisting of 3 strategies, 12 strategies. Policy 3: Develop educational institutions and modern teaching and learning styles Supporting Thailand 4.0 consisting of 3 strategies, 15 strategies. Policy 4: Vocational education management Aim for excellent operations Consistent with Thailand 4.0 consisting of 3 strategies, 16 strategies and Policy 5: Pushing vocational education to have a strong educational cooperation network consistent with Thailand 4.0 consisting of 2 strategies, 10 strategies.
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