The Development of Public Participation in the Development Plan Process of Subdistrict Administration Organization at Pathum Thani Province
Development, Public participation, Development plan processAbstract
Public participation is allowing opportunities for local people to participate since awareness, thinking, making and joint public policy making, decision making, and auditing for create transparency, improve quality of decision making and general accepted all parties for the benefit of the people.The researcher therefore wants to study the level of public participation, motivation factors influencing public participation and compare participation based on personal factors. By using both quantitative and qualitative methods data were collected by a questionnaire with 400 people using descriptive analysis. Include 24 interview persons from Chief Executive of the SAO, Chief Administrator of the SAO and citizens. The research founded that. The highest level of public participation in the success of the project will lead to better quality of life for people. For the lowest level of public participation is evaluation cause from the understanding of people that this duty of management and community leaders For motivation factors influencing public participation consisted of internal & external factors. The highest comment were the success public participation focus on the public perception of public relation project. The lowest comment were responsible of Subdistrict Administration Organization from the impact of operations that effected to safety of life and property of people. For external factor, the highest comment were the social attractiveness. The SAO provided creative activities, service activities and welfare. The lowest comments were the given opportunity of public participation in operations to solve problems and local development. When compare between personal factors and participation founded that age, religion and education were different in opinions of participations. For gender, occupation, monthly income and different of living were not different in opinions of participations. Therefore, it recommended that public relations via various communication channels to access information for public hearing and bring to improve for local needs. public relations and operations were publicized. Acknowledged by various channels and can access information in order to allow the public to come in and express opinions transparently and use the information to improve and adapt to be in line with local needs.
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