NeuroLeadership: Applying Neuroscience to Leadership and New Public Management


  • Suttipong Kiartivich


Neuro Leadership, New Public Management


Research subject "Neurology Leadership: Applications of Neuroscience with Leadership and the new management of government with objectives 1). To study neuroscience leadership of modern leaders in the government sector. 2). To study the application of neuroscience to leadership of modern leaders in the government sector. 3) to study the application of neuroscience to the new public sector management between Thailand and foreign countries. 4). To study the new approach to government sector management. This study is a qualitative study consisting of documentary research and in-depth interviews. The 30 key informants were from the personnel managers of 10 state enterprise organizations and other government agencies. Neuroscience leadership is interested in the government sector. By understanding the neurological mechanisms understanding of the mind, emotions, society of humans and the work of the brain in relation to learning is really good. The application of neuroscience to the leadership of modern leaders in the government sector between Thailand and foreign countries is really necessary. Because it uses neurological mechanisms that are better adapted to the environment of Thailand and abroad. The application of neuroscience to the new management of government sector between Thailand and abroad is a matter of management that has both science and art making it a management that understands the human mind, emotions, society with better differences new guidelines for public administration as follows: focus on productivity, performance measurement public participation creating transparency government sector management customer focus encourage competition government role auditing emphasizing consciousness and responsibility improve financial and accounting management modify roles from operators to supervisors outcome oriented focusing on improving efficiency, effectiveness, quality of service management for change


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