The Management for Security of Small and Medium Industries in Chonburi Province
Problems and Limitations of small and Medium industries, The Management for Security, Chonburi ProvinceAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study a problems and limitations of small and medium industries in accessing the policies of the government. to study the management strategies of small and medium industries for security. And to study the guideline to approve a management strategies of small and medium industries for security. The sample groups used in this research is divided into 2 groups, namely: 1. small and medium industries in Chonburi province, for 398 samples and 2. Data providers for the in-depth interviews was the management group of the federation of Thai industries Chonburi chapter and The Chonburi chamber of commerce. , totaling 8 persons. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. Data analysis is processed using statistical software packages. The statistics used are Frequency, Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation. In hypothesis testing, the multiple linear regression analysis (MRA) is used with the coefficient of determination (R2), and the statistical significance level is set at 0.05. The results of the research are as follows: 1. Overall, most small and medium industries in Chonburi province have a moderate level of problems and limitations of small and medium industries in accessing the policies of the government. When considered individually, it was found that all 7 issues are at a moderate level in descending order as follows labor, regulations and laws, marketing, Accessing to government services, investment, production technology and management ability, respectively. 2. Overall, most small and medium industries in Chonburi province have a moderate level of management strategies for making security, it was found that 2 issues are at a high level in descending order as follows Accessing to government services and marketing, moreover it was found that 5 issues are at a moderate level in descending order as follows investment, labor, management ability, regulations and laws and production technology, respectively. And 3.The problems and limitations of small and medium industries in accessing the policies of the government has a positive influence on to management strategies for making security with statistical significance of .05
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