The 20 - Year National Strategy and the Future of Thai Education
The 20 - Year National Strategy, , Human Resource Development, Learning Skills in the 21st Century, Alternative SchoolAbstract
This academic paper presents some issues from the study of “Proper School Model for 20-Year National Strategy” aims to study consistency between national strategy and school management by compare between alternative schools (Plearn Pattana School and Darunsikkhalai School for Innovative Learning) and ordinary schools (Kaen Thong Uppatham School and Wichutit School) for compare competency to respond to changing in the 21st century and implementing the 20-Year National Strategy. This study used qualitative methodology (In-depth Interview) to study school strategies, projects, and activities in the school. Including, school operating processes in seven categories according to the “Education Criteria for Performance Excellence” (EdPEx). In addition, this study used quantitative methodology (Checklist Questionnaire) to consider the consistency in the transfer of national education strategy to implementation at the school level. Besides, this study review related documents to study the transfer of the 20-Year National Strategy to plans at each level. The findings show that ordinary schools very concern about the transfer of national education strategy to school strategies. For example, from review visions and school strategies will found that visions and school strategies very concern about the 20 - Year National Strategy, plans at each level, national education strategy, including policies to define the visions and school strategies in the future. While alternative schools do not concern about national strategy and plan. However, the guidelines for teaching and learning management and school management of alternative schools are consistent with national strategies and plans because alternative schools take lesson learned from organizations and foreign countries that are successful in educational development. For this reason, alternative schools are “Pioneer” because teaching and learning management of alternative schools concern about situations, trends, contexts, and environments in the world. While formulating the 20 - Year National Strategy is concern with the same context. As a result, management strategies of alternative schools are consistent with the 20-Year National Strategy, including plans at each level. In summary, alternative schools have more proper model in response to the goal of the 20 - Year National Strategy than ordinary schools. Because alternative schools have management systems that consistent with the 20 - Year National Strategy. The policy recommendations from this study; First, educational management of ordinary schools need to concern about the situations, trends, contexts, and environments both inside and outside the country to ensure Thai education has high quality and international standards. Second, the government and the Ministry of Education should review educational policies and review the basic education core curriculum with the school. To reduce the limitations of teaching and learning, such as ritual processes, indicators that may be more than necessary. To increase flexibility in management and develop teaching and learning processes. Finally, should promote and support more alternative schools to manage education, which has benefit both to reduce the burden of the government, and achieved the expected result. The government must have clear policy and seriously promoting and supporting alternative schools.
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