The Model of Enhancing Employee Engagement in Dhanarak Asset Development Co.,Ltd.
Satisfaction, Employee EngagementAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study engagement factors and the model of enhancing employee engagement, 2) to study employee satisfaction and engagement in Dhanarak Asset Development Co.,Ltd., and 3) to develop the model of enhancing employee engagement in Dhanarak Asset Development Co.,Ltd. Quantitative data were collected by a questionnaire meanwhile qualitative data were collected by focus group discussion. The results of this research indicated as follows: 1) Employee engagement greatly plays an important role to the organization. The employee engagement results in their positive feeling towards the organization, leading to improved organizational commitment, commitment to their work, organizational goals, and values. The results of exploring employee engagement in Dhanarak Asset Development Co., Ltd. Indicated that throughout three years, employee satisfaction and engagement tended to increase with an average increase of 3.60 - 4.60, which was at a high level. In this regard, the researcher was interested in studying the model and guidelines to build the model of enhancing employee engagement in order to be applied for further development of human resources management, improved organizational commitment towards the sustainably organizational development. 2) The results of surveying employee satisfaction and engagement in Dhanarak Asset Development Co., Ltd. Indicated that employee engagement was at a high level with a mean of 4.39. Employee satisfaction was at the highest level with a mean of 4.55.
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