ความมั่นคงของเศรษฐกิจฐานรากในการพึ่งพาตนเองของวิสาหกิจชุมชน ในเขตพื้นที่ภาคกลางของประเทศไทย
Self-reliance of community-based Enterprises, The stability of the foundation economy, community-based EnterprisesAbstract
This research has the objectives to study A sturdiness to self-reliance of community-based Enterprises of the central region of Thailand and To explore the factors affecting to a sturdiness to self-reliance of community-based Enterprises of the central region of Thailand. The samples of this research were 1,038 member community-based Enterprises in Suphanburi Province, Lopburi Province, Ayutthaya province. Saraburi and Ang Thong Province. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. The statistics used in data analysis composed of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Multiple regression analysis (MRA) with coefficient of determination (R2) at statistical significance of .05 were used for hypothesis test. The result showed that : 1. For the exploration of a sturdiness to self-reliance of community-based Enterprises of the central region of Thailand was at a high level in overall. When each aspect was examined, it was found that, in every aspect, the level of sturdiness to self-reliance was high. Among all the aspects, the highest-rated aspect was Operational efficiency followed by product and service quality and performance respectively. 2. Context factors include economy and government policy were Significantly influencing to a sturdiness to self-reliance of community-based Enterprises of the central region of Thailand at the 0.05 level. 3. Input factors include workplace and material, Knowledge and adequacy of personnel. and adequacy of budget were Significantly influencing to a sturdiness to self-reliance of community-based Enterprises of the central region of Thailand at the 0.05 level. And 4. Process factors include Marketing Management, process of handling goods and services, Financial and accounting management, Community Enterprise Membership Management, and planning were Significantly influencing to a sturdiness to self-reliance of community-based Enterprises of the central region of Thailand at the 0.05 level.
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