Influence of Psychological Capitals as the Interaction Variable Affected the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of the Employees in Soft Drink Business Company in Bang Bon District, Bangkok


  • Wichai Molib
  • Thanyanan Boonyoo


Leadership, Readiness for chance, Psychological Capital, Organizational Citizenship Behavior


This study aimed to investigate: (1) levels of leadership, readiness for chance, psychological capital, and organizational citizenship behavior; (2) the readiness for chance as the mediated variable correlated with the leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior; and (3) the psychological capital as the moderated variable correlated with the readiness for chance and the organizational citizenship behavior of the employees in a soft drink company in Ban Bon district, Bangkok. Samples in the study were 144 employees in a soft drink company in Bang Bon district, Bangkok. The research instruments in the study were a questionnaire and statistics used in the study were percentage, means, standard deviation, and the analysis of the structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of the study revealed that: (1) the employees in a soft drink company in Bang Bon district, Bangkok had averaged levels of leadership, readiness for chance, psychological capital, and organizational citizenship behavior at the high level; (2) the readiness for chance was a mediated variable which was correlated with the leadership and the organizational citizenship behavior; and (3) the psychological capital was a moderated variable which was correlated with the readiness for chance and the organizational citizenship behavior. Based on the results of the study, the company should emphasize on the contribution of leadership for its company which must be co-existed with the readiness for chance and psychological capital to foster to continuously increase the organizational citizenship behavior.


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