Achievement of the Implementation of Administration and Development Policy of the Thailand’s Southern Border Province, 2012-2014


  • Kriangsak Saengjan


Achievement, Administration policy, Development of the southern border provinces


Research on “Achievement of the Implementation of Administration and Development Policy of the Thailand’s Southern Border Province, 2012-2014”, which aimed to study the achievement of the implementation of the administration and development policy of the southern border provinces, 2012-2014. The target area of study was the area that had encountered unrest according to government policies in 3 provinces, namely, Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat and 4 districts of Songkhla Province (Chana, Thepha, NaThawee and Saba Yoi). The research instruments were In-depth interviews and focus group discussions with key informants. Research results can be summarized as follows: The research found that the achievement of the implementation of administration and development policy of the Thailand’s southern border provinces, 2012-2014, to be implementing in 3 levels as follows; 1) The output level, the policy implementation achieved objectives, in the safety and normal happiness of people in the area had reduced violence. People trust the government sector and had more cooperation, including Thai society acknowledged and had a real understanding of the situation and realized the responsibility to solve problems together throughout creating an appropriate environment conducive to talking in seeking a way out of conflict and the process of building peace in the area. Ministry, Department and related agencies in implementation of policy, each was well cooperative and full of ability and supported resources to achieve the policy and people were satisfied with the implementation of the policy, the plan/ project for the development of quality of life for created a career with sufficient income, satisfied with officers in the security of life and property including helped, healed who those affected by the unrest and people were more secure; 2) the outcome level, could solve the problem of unrest especially the end of violence, the dead and injured in the area at the village, tambol, district and province level and still had a downward trend, but there were still gaps in the area of the responsible agencies therefore causing severe incidents in certain areas and occasions; and, 3) the level of social impact, create social change that leaded to the restoration of a multicultural society in the area, economic aspects, create changes in career development, trading, investment in the area, politics aspect, expand the participation of all sectors including the impact of political parties especially the government had changed frequently that affected the policy formulation, management aspect, had developed a management mechanism in order to integrate government work at all levels, in operating in the southern border provinces both the dimension of security and development dimension.


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