The Development of the Political Role of Women in Local Political Participation Case Study : Muang District, Nong Khai Province


  • Kanyapak Yumuang
  • Nathapat Yumuang


Political role, Women role, Political participation, Local political participation


The purpose of this research paper are to study the local political participation of women in Muang District, Nong Khai Province and compare the local political participation of women in Muang District, Nong Khai Province with distributed by personal factors. Sampling groups in this research are the women population aged 18 years old and over who live in Muang Nong Khai District all total 75,673 people. Determine sampling size with calculation to find sampling group by using Yamane’s formula, 385 sampling groups. The tools that used for collect the information is questionnaire, that studied the local political participation level in 5 areas; voting in election, participation in the party’s activity, a role in the local community, communication with the government service and the political communication. This research used percentage, ¯x, S.D., t-test and F-test. The results of this research showed that; 1. The overall in 5 areas of the local political participation level of women in Muang District, Nong Khai Province are moderate with an average of 3.23 and S.D. pf 0.61. When considered in each area it was found that only the highest area in voting in election. And the other areas are in moderate level. 2. Personal factors of women in Muang District, Nong Khai Province are moderate with the political overall found that the difference age, status, education level and occupation, there are political participation were significantly different. Difference income in political participation was not significantly different. 3. The factors that affecting the development of the political role of women in local political participation of women in Nong Khai Province are the development of common knowledge. To be used in the development of the political role of women in local political participation, democracy and the activity behaviors to target the most knowledgeable democracy. Activity and political behavior. But women do not develop as they should, therefore, not the role itself is. The research suggests that the development of the three sides, it is consistently the political equality with men.


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