The Election 2562 : Democracy under Authoritarian Time Line


  • Kantaphat Chanaboon


Democracy, Authoritarian, Election


The concept of democracy and power is considered the opposite. But the characteristics of democratic concepts are popular in many countries. This is because it is a concept that brings parents who are accepted with the election method. That is one of the principles of democracy But in the country where the coup d'etat and the guardianship were established without a democratic process The power of parental power is replaced Which will affect the lives of people who are waiting for the upcoming elections again During the period of democracy was reduced to the accumulation of power among the people who dominated political power. Would cause a group of people who have power to tend to lead the power group into the political process in accordance with the democratic process under an open political atmosphere. This writing needs to point out the characteristics of democracy and the characteristics of popular powers that are complementary to each other. By political groups that have the power to exercise power to determine how to enter the political process until the political society that uses rights and freedoms to support and oppose.


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