Legal Governance Indicators and Arbitration Dispute Resolution


  • Rattasidhi Kurusuwan
  • Yuwat Vuthimedhi


Legal governance indicators, Dispute resolution by arbitration, Accomplishment


The article on "Legal Governance Indicators and Arbitration Dispute Resolution" aims to promote good governance in dispute resolution by arbitration. By examining the consistency of the legal governance indicators with the arbitration settlement "to promote and develop the institution of the Arbitration to be trusted and accepted by many countries. New Public Management has introduced the idea of creating good governance or good governance to multiply the mind of the people. And the promotion of good governance. It is based on the cooperation of both public, private and civil society. In particular, the introduction of good governance applies to dispute settlement by arbitration. Another way of resolving the dispute is the acceptance of the international community. And is used to resolve the dispute between the parties more. Applying Legal Good Governance to Dispute Settlement by Arbitration It must consider the legal governance indicators that apply to the dispute resolution process. How important and appropriate is it and how can the scope of the arbitration work be determined? How? It must be considered that many good governance principles cannot be covered. It is necessary to select good legal or regulatory indicators that are relevant or relevant and applicable to the specific dispute resolution process. Applying Government-set Good Governance Indicators It is very difficult. Due to the nature of the dispute settlement process by arbitration. It's the judicial power. Just like judges differ from other agencies that are direct operators. The adoption of legal good governance applies to dispute settlement by arbitration. It depends on the appropriate. The scope and scope of the arbitration shall be governed by the law, morals and ethics. Disclosure Maintain transparency with confidentiality. Bribery with Criminal Liability Concerning Equal Arbitration


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