Brand Equity as a Mediating Factor between Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and Buying Decision on Furniture: A Case Study of MDEC International (1991) Co., Ltd.


  • Thanida Rungthanapattarakul
  • Sumalee Ramanust


Brand Equity, Integrated Marketing Communication, Buying Decision, Furniture


Furniture is a very well popular product. It is used for the interior decoration for house, condominium, office as well as business establishment in which it has an important role toward human posture. This research is aimed at the study of: 1) the level of brand equity, integrated marketing communication (IMC), and buying decision on furniture, and 2) the influence of brand equity as a mediating factor between the integrated marketing communication (IMC) and buying decision on furniture. The sample size is 350 consumers who buy the MDEC furniture products. The questionnaires are used to collect the data. The statistical descriptive data include percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The data is also analyzed by using Structural Equation Model (SEM) based on PLS Graph 3.0 program. The results showed that 1) there is a high level toward brand equity, IMC and buying decision on furniture products of MDEC International (1991) Co., Ltd., and 2) brand equity was actually a mediating factor between the IMC and the buying decision on furniture products of MDEC International (1991) Co., Ltd. This research pointed out to the relationship of brand equity, integrated marketing communication, and buying decision.


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