The Development of Community Management Strategies Payment for Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity in Tourism Zone Bang Kachao


  • Bhorntida Thepprasit
  • Thirawat Chuntuk
  • Phitak Siriwong


Community management, Strategies, Payment for Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity


The Development of Community Management Strategies Payment for Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity in Tourism Zone Bang Kachao uses the qualitative research that consists of documentary research, in-depth interview, applied lesson learned visualizing, and EDFR method research.The major contributors are Bang Krachao local staffs, community folks, tourism government staffs, tourists, academics, and stakeholders for 17 people. From the studies of guideline, scenario, role, and trend of the management model of ecosystems stewardship community by using the community as tourism base of Bang Krachao area that leads to the guideline synthesis for the development of community management strategy in the Town Matrix framework. This is found that, in term of aggressive strategy, the measurement of social, regulation, and law should be determined for the management of environment, culture and community tourism, providing cooperation and collaboration of project plan in the ecosystem area management. For the corrective strategy, there should be the support for welfare establishment from community financial organization base in term of savings or collecting shares of cooperative members for the circulated funds in the community and utilize the revenue from savings circulation to provide welfares for the community and support the value adding of community resources to the community identity based merchandises and services. And, considering the preventive strategy, social norms should be supported in order to create value, beliefs, and to encourage the community moral, rule, and regulation and also to support the collaborative association of the community resources preservation. For the defensive strategy, the promptly responses should be made in order to support the direct problem solving as necessary because this is the management to normalize the critical scenarios as fast as possible including alleviation and recovery, and encourage the environment learning procedures for youths by adding contents and activities to foster the conscious for social and environment responsibility. Then, from the component study of management strategy for ecosystems stewardship community in tourism area which has biological diversity (Bang Krachao) by using EDFR research method, the component of strategies can be classified into 9 dimensions as follows; community way of life, entrepreneur social responsibility, community research unit management, community conservatives, laws, or the management guideline, conservative tourism, sustainable eco-friendly production and consumption, ecosystem management, and threats management.


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