A Study of Work Stress of Among the Soldier of 11 Paramilitary Regiment Task Force in Amphoe Waeng and Amphoe Sukirin, Narathiwat


  • Nattapong Mangana
  • Anurat Ananthanatorn
  • Samrit Yossomsakdi
  • Chira Prateep


Work stress, Stress, The three southernborder province


The purpose of this research was to study the situation of work stress, level of work stress, and To study the relationship between job factors and stress management behaviors with work stress of among the soldier of task force 11 in Amphoe Waeng and Amphoe Sukirin, Narathiwat and to provide advice on how to prevent stress in the workplace. The sample consisted of 330 personal of task force 11. And 6 person of commander Military officer and Psychiatrist for in-depth interview. The result showed that : 1. The research results revealed that their work stress of soldier of task force 11 in Amphoe Waeng and Amphoe Sukirin, Narathiwat was at a less level in overall. 2. The job factors were Significantly related to the work stress at the 0.05 level. And 3. stress management behaviors were Significantly related to the work stress at the 0.05 level.


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