A Model of Organizational Commitment of Employees Hired by the Missions in the Upper Northeastern Local Administrative Organizations: Case Study of Sub-District Municipalities


  • Petprakai Kultangwattana
  • พงษ์เสฐียร เหลืองอลงกต


Organizational commitment, Mission-based employees, Upper northeastern local administrative organizations, Sub-district municipalities


The purpose of this study was threefold. First, it aimed at examining a level of organizational commitment among the employees who worked for the upper northeastern local administrative organizations. Also, this study intended to test the consistency of the developed model for causal relationships between factors affecting the organizational commitment of mission-based employees hired by the upper northeastern local administrative organizations with the empirical data. The last purpose of this study was to explore the weights of direct, indirect, and combined influences of casual factors affecting the organizational commitment of mission-based employees hired by the upper northeastern local administrative organizations. The subjects participating in this study were 600 people. A path analysis was used to test the consistency of the developed model, empirical data, and weights of influences. The results of the study were as follows: 1) It was shown that the level of organizational commitment among the employees hired by the missions who worked for the upper northeastern local administrative organizations was found at a very good level. 2) According to the results of the test of the consistency with the empirical data, using the index criteria to test the consistency of the developed model, it was found that all indexes were met the set criteria. In other words, the causal relationship model of factors affecting the organizational commitment of mission-based employees hired by the upper northeastern local administrative organizations was consistent with the empirical data and the index value was written as follows: gif.latex?x^{2}=0.261, df = 5, p-value = 0.998, CFI = 1.000, TLI = 1.015, RMSEA = 0.000, SRMR = 0.001 และ /df = 0.052 3) The variables of work attitude, work characteristics, organizational characteristics, leadership, compensation, relationship of coworkers, support from supervisors, and job satisfaction had both direct and combined influences on mission-based employees’ organizational commitment at a significant level of .05. Finally, it was shown that the work characteristics, Leadership, and support from supervisors indirectly influenced the organizational commitment of mission-based employees hired by the upper northeastern local administrative organizations via a variable of job satisfaction.


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