Staff’s Satisfaction and Employee Engagement: Case of Dhanarak Asset Development Company Limited (DAD) Year 2018


  • Suppachai Murnpho
  • Nonthavat Sukphon
  • Chudapon Sonphukdee
  • Tattep Taweethai
  • Tarika Srathongkham
  • Tarika Srathongkham
  • Sorawicha Krittathikarn
  • Ploynarin Rojanakarnsakul


satisfaction with the organization, Employee engagement


This study aims to 1) Study the level of employee engagement of company employees, Thanarak Asset Development Co., Ltd. 2) Study the factors that affect the employee engagement of the company, Thanarak Asset Development Limited and 3) compare the level of employee engagement of the company, Thanarak Asset Development Co., Ltd., in 3 years duration. Characteristics of integrated research methods during quantitative research by using questionnaires and qualitative research by using group chat. The research found that 1. The overall satisfaction level is at a high level. The average value is 4.27 and the level of satisfaction towards the employee engagement, Thanarak Asset Development Co., Ltd. found that employees were satisfied with the organization at a high level The average value is 4.41 2. Factors that affect the employee engagement of the company, Thanarak Asset Development Co., Ltd., including job characteristics, motivation factors, sustaining factors and creative behavior factors. 3. Comparison of employee engagement factors and satisfaction from the 2016, 2017 and 2018 survey results showed that the average of each factor is higher than average which demonstrates engagement and satisfaction in the organization at a high level.


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