National Strategic for Aging Condition Management in Thailand: Social Welfare Arrangement for the Security of the Elderly
Social welfare, Elderly, National strategyAbstract
Research on the “National strategic for aging condition management in Thailand: Social welfare arrangement for the security of the elderly” adopted the Mixed Methods Research using the In - depth interviews and questionnaire survey developed by the researcher to collect data from the elderly populations during April 1 – October 31 2017.This qualitative study had researched on documents and interviews from those with knowledge and understanding on the elderly issues. It was found from the results that Thailand had entered into aging society since B.E. 2548. It was expected to become the “completely aging society” in B.E.2564 and the “top aging society” within 2578. According to the survey on the elderly aging condition, most of them had good health with the excellence level of healthy behavior. They were educated to use computer and received the information from television. They lived with their children and grand children with the excellence level of family relationship. They had income from elderly allowance, most of them had no saving amount and the activity that most of the elderly attended was making merit. Most of them received social service from the elderly allowance as well as the support on justice facilitation. Elderly impacts can be divided into the national impacts such as the impact toward GDP, the potential of business growth, national load budget, saving, workforce and adaptation in the business sector. Individual impacts were for instance, elderly income, health problems, problem of knowledge, social problem, mental problem, physical environment, accommodation and elderly caregiver.
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