Policy Management Model to Drive Natural Resources and the Environment towards Sustainability According to PESTLE Guidelines


  • Thirawat Chantuk
  • Kanokaon Netchu
  • Domrongphol Sangmanee
  • พรเทพ นามกร
  • Juthamas Promin


Sustainability, Policy, Environmental


Policy management model to drive natural resources and the environment towards sustainability according to PESTLE guidelines has objectives for analyzing natural resources and environmental management according to PESTLE guideline and using multi-utility theory to prioritize Policy management model to drive natural resources and the environment towards sustainability according to PESTLE guidelines. This research has been divided into 2 parts namely, in-depth interview and multi-utility assessment. Key informants for 17 persons are academics, specialists and university professors who are expert in natural resources and environmental management. Research tools are the interview and multi-utility assessment, statistic used in this research are frequency, percentage and content analysis and Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) with key informants for 7 persons. Research result found that 1) Natural resources and environmental management according to PESTLE guideline consists of political situation, economy, social, technology, law and environmental factor. 2) Using Multi-utility theory to prioritize natural resources and environmental management model to sustainability, analysis result, priority level of natural resources and environmental management model to sustainability found that priority level of natural resources and environmental management model to sustainability in aspect of law adjustment that is conflict and causes gap or obstacle in operation has the most value, follow by an operation according to country reform proposal in natural resources and environment, then advocating knowledge to public have priority level equal to 49.34, 27.62 and 23.04 respectively. the results of analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) on consistency of all dimensions were ranged from 0.080 – 0.096 with the lowest value of 0.01 that was in acceptable level and consistent ion all dimensions. It could be concluded that the experts agreed with the Model of Natural Resources and Environment Management for Sustainability and it could be applied.


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