The Role of the University Council to Control Administrators of University for Reaching to the Good Governance


  • Nongnuch Srisuk


Good governance, Role of the university, Administrators of university, Council to control


The purpose of this research was to study the role of the university council to control administrators of university for reaching to the good governance. And to study the development of indicators and to apply for governance of university administrators. This study uses qualitative research methods. By studying from relevant documents and using in-depth interview methods with experts related to the administration system of the autonomous university take the interview results to analyze the content, filter out the data. Fused and integrated with the synthesis of knowledge from research papers Regulations, structure and mechanism of the Council system and good governance of Thai higher education institutions. The results of the research found that the role of the University Council and guidelines for governance of university administrators consist of the role of the University Council in Recruitment and appointment of the President The role of the university council in monitoring the operations of university administrators Role of the University Council in the amendment of the Act The role of the University Council in determining the structure of the University Council Leading to the role of the university council in overseeing the performance of the president is the role in the amendment of the law Burapha University, 2007, the structure of the Council of Burapha University that is strong and supervising university administrators to focus on good governance For the development of indicators and the use of governance in the university's governance is the key issue that the University Council has proposed to improve the Act BE 2550, review and update the rules and regulations to be used for supervision. Supervise the governance of university administrators to be more efficient.


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