Appropriate Security Measures in Land Crossing Areas in Thailand


  • Thimmayura Surarat Supharat Surarat Supharat
  • Thiraphong BuaLa


Development, Security measurements, Immigration control system


The appropriate immigration control at land border checkpoints should be improved both of economic dimension and security dimension. Most of recent immigration control policies are the security dimension that not facilitate the economic dimension. While the globalization; technology, transportation, communication, is pushing the migration of person, goods and service crossing the border, is pulling the threats come in the internal area. This article is part of the thesis of the security at land border checkpoint via Immigration Procedures of Thailand. Finding draw from face-to face interview, field survey in special economic zones, formal and informal brain storming and questionnaire. The objective is to purpose the appropriate security measurements in immigration control at land border checkpoints to enhance the national security and facilitate the economic activities in border zone.


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