Factors Affecting Corruption in Local Administrative Organizations


  • Pacharadanai Watcharathanapattada


: Corruption, Local administrative organizations


The objectives of this research were to study the level of corruption factors affecting corruption study and compare the differences of factors affecting corruption. And the nature of corruption classified by personal information factors and study the relationship between various factors affecting corruption and the nature of corruption in local administrative organizations Samples were personnel, work groups, laws, regulations and grievances. And finance, accounting and auditing groups under the Jurisdiction of the Office in local administration. The samples were 175 people obtained by simple random sampling. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and analysis by descriptive statistics. And statistics of correlation coefficients using Pearson method by Least Significant Difference (LSD) and Spearman Rank Correlation The finding of research were: (1) The characteristics of corruption in the overall and individual aspects were at the moderate level. (x ̅ = 3.15) (2) Factors affecting the overall corruption in the medium level ((x ) ̅ = 2.59), with the incentives being at a low level (x ̅ = 2.03). Risk and honesty were at a moderate level. (3) The nature of corruption found that education levels affect corruption in the misappropriation of money. And the conflict of interest the factors that affect corruption found that gender and education levels affect factors that affect corruption were statistically significance at .01 level. (4) The nature of corruption and factors affecting corruption positive relationship in the same direction very high level. (r = .92 **)


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