The Study of the Good Governance of Savings and Credit Cooperatives


  • Chaiwut Kamarungsee


Good governance, Savings and credit cooperatives


Study the good governance of savings and credit cooperatives in Thailand. The objective was to study the administration applying good governance of savings and credit cooperatives in Thailand. And to provide guidelines for the development of savings and credit cooperatives by good governance. This research Methodology has established a procedure or method of research using research Qualitative Research with the concept papers. Theory and research involved in-depth interviews. Group member savings and credit cooperatives with government agencies and enterprises. Researchers have determined the subjects were divided into 2 groups include cooperative government. Enterprises and Cooperatives the sample included a total of 19 samples, which are summarized its findings as follows; 1. The administration applying good governance of savings and credit cooperatives in Thailand is defined strategic vision. Managed effectively. There's a structure and define the roles of each element clearly. Welfare for members appropriately. The control system and monitor. A system of monitoring and evaluation operations. In order to achieve the goal. Disclosure and dissemination of information news cooperative to its members, directors, officers and stakeholders thoroughly. Hearing of The opportunity for members to participate in the management and monitoring of the operations of the cooperative. With the development of cooperative directors and officers. To develop the knowledge, laws and regulations are also available on the equality of service and functionality. Including the preparation of the information system is secure and can be used effectively. But some still lack cooperative development and strengthen good governance in saving and credit cooperatives concretely. 2. Guidelines for management development saving and credit cooperatives based good governance that should be the guidelines for the development. 2.1 Develop a system for managing and enhancing good governance in a concrete 2.2 The rules, regulations, policies or measures in the management of cooperatives based on good governance 2.3 Development of information technology modernization to provide operational efficiency and effectiveness 2.4 Develop a system of internal control and risk management 2.5 To promote and support the practice of good governance policies and corporate governance of the cooperative The recommendations from the study showed that the saving and credit cooperatives will have to increase the role and capabilities. To build credibility to the saving and credit cooperatives. And acceptable to all stakeholders. By adopting a saving and credit cooperatives approach to management based on good governance. Or governance of the saving and credit cooperatives. Adapted for use in the business of the saving and credit cooperatives. As well as develop and strengthen good governance in the management of saving and credit cooperatives in a systematic and concrete.





