The Management of the Thai Maritime Enforcement Command Center

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Cdr.Sarote Kliangsong
Ekkawit Maneethorn


               The aim for this research were: 1) To analyze management practices and 2) To investigate the problems and obstacles in the management of the Thai Maritime Enforcement Command Center. This study was a mixed-methods research approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. Data collection is divided into three parts 1) Surveys conducted among 280 Thai-MECC Staff 2) In-depth interviews with Thai-MECC Staff and a group of stakeholders comprising 21 persons. And 3) Document analysis. Research tools used in this study include structured questionnaires and semi-structured interview guides. Statistical analyses encompass frequency distributions, percentages, means, standard deviations, t-test, One Way Analysis of Variance, and data analysis composed of describing the data in phenomena or concrete and analyzing the data in a methodological triangle

               The results of study showed that: 1. The management structure of the Thai-MECC is primarily divided into two main components 1) The management and policy segment.  2) The administrative and operational units at the local level. the analysis of Thai-MECC Staff opinions, it was found that the majority hold a positive view of management practices, and overall, the average rating is at a high level. 2. The problems and obstacles in management are as follows: 1) Structure and Organization Policy: There are issues related to the allocation and suitability of various resources, which are insufficient and not well-suited. The bureaucratic structure is slow to adapt and lacks flexibility. 2) Stakeholders: There are problems such as cultural dominance within the organization, hierarchy in command and coordination, diversity and redundancy of missions among participating units within the CCRMC according to the law, and a lack of knowledge and understanding of the organization and roles of the management. 3) Relationships Among Stakeholders: There is a lack of good relationships and understanding in addressing community issues in the area, building relationships with participating organizations and communities, and issues related to collaborative work among organizations. And 4) Network Management: Personnel lack of knowledge and understanding of the tasks that need to be jointly performed within the network, efficiency in managing the organization by the management, communication to foster a good understanding within the network, and plans for collaborative work among participating organizations.

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